WITH TWO DAUGHTERS OF MY OWN, I want to set an example of giving back to the community. I love supporting the Women’s Fund because my donations affect many different organizations and programs that help women and girls.
You may have seen a brief portion of this important Issue Spotlight during the luncheon. You can new see the full recording here.
Hear from a panel of local leaders representing various sectors on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis: education, healthcare, business and philanthropy. They share how leading through these unprecedented times has affected them personally and professionally, as well as plans to ensure the safety and recovery of our community.
Becky Bartoszek – President/CEO, Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce
Judy Baseman – Superintendent, Appleton Area School District
Tammy Geenen – Vice President of Community Engagement, Community Foundation of the Fox Valley Region
Monica Hilt – President, Ascension, St. Elizabeth Hospital
Moderated by Lisa Malak – Co-Host/Producer, Local 5 Live